Remove YouTube's Logo from Embedded Videos & Players

12:40:00 AM |

So, although this is not a default option within the embed code box on YouTube videos, this can be done quite simply by adding the following to the end of a YouTube embed URL:
So for example, the standard iFrame embed code you would get for a video like the one above would be:
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In this case, you merely need to add "?modestbranding=1" to the end of the src= tag like so:
... src="" ...
You would do the same, adding "?modestbranding=1" to each instance of the YouTube player URL for the old embed code -> like this:
<object width="560" height="349">
<param name="movie" value=";version=3&amp;hl=en_US"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<embed src=";version=3&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

Issues, Tips & WorkArounds:

This only works if you use it as the first parameter after the video id.  IE - it can not be added after any other parameters or it will break and the logo will reappear when the video starts.  To illustrate what I mean, you can NOT do something like this:
... src=";modestbranding=1" ...
The modestbranding parameter needs to come first.
Additionally, this will not work with a few of the other embed player parameters like "showinfo" which can be used to set whether or not the title shows at the top of the video (0= no title).  For whatever reason, if you continue to use "showinfo=0", the "modestbranding" parameter will not function as it's supposed to and the logo will reappear when you press play.
As a work around to this, I discovered a new parameter that they dont publicize => "title=".  So, if you would like to remove the logo AND you want to remove the title from the player, you need to structure the embed src player string as follows, leaving "title=" blank:
... src=";title=" ...

YouTubeEver wanted to share a YouTube video with someone but want to share just a certain part of it without having them start from the beginning? Need to have a video automatically loop?
YouTube URLs can be modified with various query string parameters to change certain features and how to video player works. In most cases, parameters follow the video URL with an ampersand (&). The most commonly seen parameter is probably &feature=related which shows that the video was found through clicking on a Related Video. This parameter basically does absolutely nothing for the actual user though.
Note: YouTube is constantly making changes. I am continually updating this article to reflect these changes. If you notice something not working properly, please inform me in the comments.
Last updated on January 14, 2012 with updates to the HD embed parameter.
There are many URL parameters you can add to YouTube video URLs as well as the embed codes. Let’s start with the video URL.

Video URL Parameters

There are parameters to add to the URL of a YouTube video. Video ID is a placeholder for the YouTube video ID which is the string of alphanumeric characters after the watch?v=.

High Quality Videos

YouTube supports up to HD quality videos, but some videos might not have an HD format available. Some might just have a High Quality option available. To create a link that automatically loads the video in HQ or HD, simply add&fmt=6 (480p HQ FLV), &fmt=18 (480p MP4) or &fmt=22 (720p HD) to the end of the video URL.
Update: YouTube has made many changes recently and the fmt parameter does not seem to work anymore. For HD, add &hd=1 instead. The fmt parameter no longer does anything. ID&hd=1

Skip to Specific Time

Suppose you’re trying to share a video clip with someone, but you don’t really think its necessary for them to watch the whole thing from the beginning. You can specify where the video should start as well as easily jump to a specific point by adding #t=7m30s. The number in front of the ‘m’ is the minute and in front of the ‘s’ would be seconds. In this example, I’m skipping to 7:30. ID#t=1m32s

Browser Window Full Size Player

This will load a large player that fills your entire browser window.
Simply replace the ‘?’ and ‘?=’ in the URL to ‘/’ and remove ‘watch’. ID 

Prevent Video from Autoplaying

Same procedure as using the large player. This player does not start playing automatically. If you are using this full size player and want it to autoplay, then simply add ?autoplay=1 to the end of the URL. Use an ampersand (&autoplay=1) if this is not the only parameter. ID?autoplay=1

Loop Video

There are many online websites offering this functionality (often involving just changing the domain name), but there is no need to use an external service because YouTube actually has this built in.
Same procedure as using the large player, but add ?loop=1. Use an ampersand (&loop=1) if this is not the only parameter. This is very useful for looping music. ID?loop=1

How To Remove Youtube Control Bar

videoimage How To Remove Youtube Control Bar,Related Videos, Video Titles
The fact is Youtube will allows you to change a whole bag of parameters using their Youtube Player. All it is, is altering the embed code and adding some additional strings to it, really simple.
Changing these parameters lets you:
• Remove the “related videos” display, which can often be awkward and very unrelated.
• Prevent the title of the video from appearing on the clip (cleaning up the appearance a bit)
• Force the video to play in high definition on any browser instead of defaulting to a lower quality.
• Get rid of YouTube’s player contols altogether, making your clip minimalst in the extreme.
Very best of all, even a coding-ignorant rhubarb farmer like myself can use these parameters. Just copy and paste YouTube’s embed code from a video page, drop it into your website or blog, and add the parameters onto the video link in the HTML.
Example: I need to post this clip on my weblog. When I’m watching the video on YouTube, I click “Embed” just beneath the player. I use the “Custom” size selection and inform it my weblog is 460 pixels wide. YouTube does the math for me (huzzah!) and creates a code that looks like this:
<iframe title=”YouTube video player” width=”460″ height=”289″ rel=nofollow src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
The result?
Looks ok right? Yea but look at all the link leakage on the video. The point of bringing people to your website is to keep them there unless your referring them else where, am I right? As a marketer, this is one of the reason I dont post Youtube videos on my blog even though it could help with my SEO.
First thing we are gonna do is remove the title of the video up in the header part of the clip by adding this to the embed code ;showinfo=0“, we are then gonna add this also to the code rel=0to remove any related videos appearing after the clip is done. And then we also want it to play in high def giving us the best quality possible for the video to play adding this code HD=1. Let now put all three codes together and this is what you get = HD=1;rel=0;showinfo=0“.
<span style=”background-color: #fdeee0;”><iframe width=”460″ title=”YouTube video player” rel=nofollow src=”;rel=0;showinfo=0height=”289″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>
Although we removed alot, its still not enough, because now that the lead leakage is gone, we still have that ugly control bar in the video which still leads people back to youtube, and also look disgusting! Heres how we remove that control bar. We now add this pieace of the code to the end of our newly formed code ;controls=0“. Which then looks like this.
<span style=”background-color: #fdeee0;”><iframe width=”460″ title=”YouTube video player” rel=nofollow src=”;rel=0;showinfo=0;controls=0height=”289″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>