16 Usable CSS Graph and Bar Chart Tutorials and Techniques

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Have you ever even tried to create your own CSS graph? If you have, you will know how hard it is. Using Flash is one way to go, but you just can’t beat a beautifully crafted CSS Graph. Have a look at these tutorials and techniques.

PHP and CSS- A Simple Graph

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : PHP and CSS- A Simple Graph.
Tagline : Here’s an easy way to display a simple percentage graph using PHP to work out the percentages and do the maths and CSS to display the data on our page.
Demo : View the demo.

Vertical Bar Graphs using CSS and PHP

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and Techniques
Link : Vertical Bar Graphs using CSS and PHP.
Tagline : Who wants to use Excel to make a new graph each week? Using CSS and PHP you can create attractive bar graphs that are always up to date.
Demo : View the demo.

CSS For Bar Graphs

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : CSS For Bar Graphs.
Tagline : The concept is simple, utilize the percentage width abilities of CSS to accurately portray a percentage bar graph.
Demo : View the demo.

Real World Bar Graphs (with some CSS)

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : Real World Bar Graphs (with some CSS).
Tagline : We could’ve just gone with an “easy way” out and used existing component to produce the full graph images backend and just append to the page. However, this was opposing our goal of doing it neat and lightweight.
Demo : View the demo.

SAC – Simple accessible Charts

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : SAC – Simple accessible Charts.
Tagline : Easy, fast and accessible way to display simple Data and beautify them with CSS. It needed some time and a little bit wired thinking, but It works.
Demo : View the demo.

An accessible bar chart

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : An accessible bar chart.
Tagline : A bar is created using an image which is stretched to the appropriate size,bar widths are calculated relative to the largest value, value cells have a repeated background image which shows the vertical lines.
Demo : View the demo.

The Standards Way to Do Dynamic Data

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : The Standards Way to Do Dynamic Data.
Tagline : By using a standardized set of web technologies, it is possible to produce interesting data visualizations that degrade gracefully in the face of browser inferiority. Through careful semantic crafting of our XHTML containers, clever use of CSS, and a splash JavaScript, we can build data visualizations that enhance our message and communicate better to our users.
Demo : View the demo.

Pure CSS Data Chart

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : Pure CSS Data Chart.
Tagline : We could say that a chart is a two dimensional object. So, the best structural and semantical choice is definition list. Why? Well, for starter, it is a list of items. Although the list is linear, we could interpret definition titles (dt elements) as items on x axis and definition descriptions (dd elements) as values on y axis.
Demo : View the demo.

Line Graph

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : Line Graph.
Tagline : This is a purely DHTML/ CSS based Line Graph script. It loads fast and blends in with the rest of the page. You can even use a transparent background for it.
Demo : View the demo.

Pure CSS/HTML Bullet Graph

Simple CSS Bar Graph

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : Simple CSS Bar Graph.
Tagline : Here is a nice and simple way to create a basic horizontal bar graph utilizing very basic CSS: Perfect for illustrating statistics, donations, or anything else you can think of.
Demo : View the demo.

Creating a graph using percentage background

CSS Stacked Bar Graphs

CSS Vertical Bar Graphs

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : CSS Vertical Bar Graphs.
Tagline : Here is a fairly typical vertical bar graph showing a hypothetical set of quarterly data for, say, invoice and collection totals. The difference here is that the whole thing is a simple table and a few divs. Really.
Demo : View the demo.

Super simple CSS bars

CSS absolute positioning scatter plot

Usable CSS Graph Tutorials and TechniquesLink : CSS absolute positioning scatter plot.
Tagline : This graph is going to use CSS absolute positioning to draw the scatter plot on the page with no external graphics at all. Not only is the chart better (it iss clickable, has popups, it can be scaled), its also smaller and prettier.
Demo : View the demo.