Top 10 HTML questions

9:13:00 PM |

#1 How do I add midi music to my web page
This can be done quite with the below tag.
<bgsound src="music.mid" loop="1" />
This tag will play the music.mid once. If you wanted this song to continue without stopping, you would use loop="infinite" instead of the loop="1", which will only play it once. If you needs this to work with Netscape and Internet Explorer, you can use the embed tag to implement music to your page using code similar to the below example.
<embed src="canyon.mid" autostart="true" width="145" height="60" loop="true">
Which would give you the below example.

#2 How do I make a picture as a background on my web pages?
Point the body background to the name of your image you wish to use as the background as shown below. This body line should be the first line after your </head> tag.
<body background="picture.gif">
You can also have the background image fixed, so it does not move when using the scroll bar in the browser. To do this add the bgproperties tag as shown below.
<body background="picture.gif" bgproperties="fixed">

#3 How do I make it so that someone can mail me by just clicking on text?
Use the mailto command in your a href link tag as shown below.
<a href="">Click here to mail Zo Hornbill</a>
The above example would create a link similar to the one shown below.

#4 How do I add scrolling text to my page?
Keep in mind not all browsers support scrolling text. however to do this add a tag similar to the below example. 
<marquee>WELCOME TO ZO HORNBILL SITE</marquee> 
The above example would create the below scrolling text. If your browser supports scrolling text the below example should be scrolling.

#5 How do I do multiple colors of text?
To do the multicolor text adjust the color of your font tag as shown below. 
<font color="blue">blue</font>
The above example would make the text blue; you can do all the major Colors.

#6 How do I make a picture a link?
Use the a href link tag around the img image tag as shown below.
<a href=""><img src="title.gif"></a>
The above example would give you the below clickable image link.

#7 How can I make my link not have this ugly border?
Add the border="0" command to your img src tag as shown below.
<a href="your link"><img src="your-image.gif" border="0"></a>

#8 How do I make it so that my web page is just one solid color in the background without using an image file?
Change the bgcolor (short for background color) in your body tag as shown below.
<body bgcolor="white">
The above example would make the background of the page white, like the page you're viewing now.

#9 How do I align pictures so that one may be higher or lower than the other?
Use the align statement in your img src tag as shown below.
<img src="your_image.gif" align="top">
Anything that is after that image will be aligned to the top of the image, like the below example.
Also, instead of align="top" you can do align="middle", and align="bottom".

#10 How do I make a link to another web page?
Specify the complete URL in the a href tag as shown below.
<a href="">Visit Zo Hornbill Site</a>
Replace our address with the address that you would like to link.

I hope this is helping you.