How to Show All Posts on Blogger Feed

12:23:00 PM |

As a Blogger user, you might already using a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, which optimize your feeds for readers and gain more traffic to your content. As you know,Blogger automatically updates your feeds when you publish new posts on your blog and syndicates to Feed Management Service. But have you ever noticed, Blogger is feeding only recent 25 blog posts?

Yeah, it is. By default Blogger feed shows only recent 25 posts on your blog. If you process your feed with a Feed Management Service such as FeedBurner, most probably you may have provided one of below feed addresses.


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&redirect=false


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?alt=rss&redirect=false

As you seeking a way to display all your posts in your feed, you just need to modify your original feed address specified at your Feed Management Service by appending redirect & max-results parameters to the end of the feed URL with the value of maximum number of posts to be displayed.


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?redirect=false&max-results=1000


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?redirect=false&max-results=1000


[Your Blog Address]/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&redirect=false&max-results=1000


[Your Blog Address]/atom.xml?alt=rss&redirect=false&max-results=1000

Color Indication Information

- Your Blog URL

- The Maximum Number of Posts to Display

Here this refers to maximum number of posts to be appeared on your feed. Generally this value could be equivalent to the number of posts on your blog. Use a number which is larger than thenumber of posts published on your blog to not to make changes on feed URL when you do publish posts in future. But keep in mind, some services may not accept feeds larger than 512 Kilobytes.

i.e: If you have 21 posts published on your blog, use a number larger than 21. It may be 22, 30, 100, 500, 1000 or even 100000. The number of posts you specify will be appear on your feed.