How to add a Facebook widget using Facebook's iframe Code

4:23:00 PM |

Adding a Facebook widget to your landing page is simple. Just follow these steps:
  1. First you need to get the widget scripts from this page. Or you can get the Share button code here.
  2. On your landing page click the "page section" or area on the page where you'd like to place the button (you'll see the page section highlighted by a dashed line)
  3. Click the Custom HTML button in the editor toolbar
  4. Paste the script into the window and click "done"
  5. Stretch the Custom HTML to be the correct size for your button (you can see the height and width it should be if you look at the code you pasted in)
  6. Save your page
  7. Click "Preview" to see it in action. It won't show up in the editor, just preview mode and the final published page.