A mega menu with CSS and jquery

1:22:00 PM | , ,

This I won’t show, you can inspect the source of the demo if you wish to see it. It’s the standard that is created by magento, wordpress and most other CMS platforms.
[cc lang=”css”]
html, body { margin:0; padding:0; }
ul { list-style:none; }

/********** < Navigation */ 
.nav-container { float:left; background: #186C94; margin: 10em 0; width: 960px; } #nav { border: 0px none; padding:3px 0 2px 44px; margin:0; font-size:13px; }/* All Levels */ #nav li { text-align:left; position:relative; } #nav li.over { z-index:999; } #nav li.parent {} #nav li a { display:block; text-decoration:none; } #nav li a:hover { text-decoration:none; } #nav li a span { display:block; white-space:nowrap; cursor:pointer; } #nav li ul a span { white-space:normal; }/* 1st Level */ #nav li { float:left; } #nav li a { float:left; padding:5px 10px; font-weight:normal; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px #111; } #nav li a:hover { color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #ccc; } #nav li.over a, #nav li.active a { color:#fff; }/* 2nd Level */ #nav ul { position:absolute; width:15em; top:26px; left:-10000px; border:1px solid #104A65; border-width: 0 1px 2px 1px; background:#186C94; padding: 6px 0 6px; } #nav ul div.col { float:left; width: 15em; } #nav ul li { float:left; padding: 0; width: 15em; } #nav ul li a { float:none; padding:6px 9px; font-weight:normal; color:#FFF !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px #111; border-bottom:1px solid #104A65; background:#186C94; } #nav ul li a:hover { color:#fff !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #ccc; background: #135575; } #nav ul li.last > a { border-bottom:0; }

#nav ul li.last.parent > a { border-bottom:0; }
#nav ul li.over > a { font-weight:normal; color:#fff !important; background: #104A65; }
#nav ul.mm-1 { width: 15em; }
#nav ul.mm-2 { width: 30em; }
#nav ul.mm-3 { width: 45em; }
#nav ul.mm-4 { width: 60em; }

/* 3rd+ leven */
#nav ul ul { top:-6px; background: #104A65; }
/* Show Menu – uses built-in magento menu hovering */
 #nav li.over > ul { left:0; }
 #nav li.over > ul li.over > ul { left:14em; }
 #nav li.over ul ul { left:-10000px; }
/* Show Menu – uses css only, not fully across all browsers but, for the purpose of the demo is fine by me */
#nav li:hover > ul { left:0; z-index: 100; }
#nav li:hover > ul li:hover > ul { left:14em; z-index: 200; }
#nav li:hover ul ul { left:-10000px; }


Don’t forget to include jQuery (I prefer using the google hosted version at http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js)
[cc lang=”javascript”]
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
//clean up the row of the mega menu. add css class to each element on bottom row.
//only if more than 7 elements. if more than 16, mm-3
jQuery(‘#nav li ul’).each(function(ulindex, ulele){
$total = jQuery(this).children(‘li’).size();
if ($total <= 7) { jQuery(this).addClass('mm-1'); } else { $cols = Math.floor(($total) / 8) + 1; $remainder = $total % $cols; jQuery(this).addClass('mm-' + $cols + ' total-' + $total + ' rem-'+$remainder );jQuery(this).children().each(function(liindex, liele){ //alert("total: "+$total+", remainder: "+ $mod+", ulindex: "+ulindex+", liindex: "+liindex); if( liindex + $remainder >= $total || $remainder == 0 && liindex + $cols >= $total ){
//alert(“total: “+$total+”, remainder: “+ $remainder+”, index: “+liindex);